PMIS 0.4 Instruction Set

Note: instructions are in alphabetical order

DescriptionPlace the sum of register1 and register2 into register0
Syntaxadd register0, register1, register2
Exampleadd $t0, $t1, $t2
Example implies$t0 = $t1 + $t2

DescriptionPlace the sum of register1 and value into register0
Syntaxaddi register0, register1, value
Exampleaddi $t0, $t1, 42
Example implies$t0 = $t1 + 42
Range of value-32,768 to 32,767

DescriptionPlace the logical AND of register1 and register2 into register0
Syntaxand register0, register1, register2
Exampleand $t0, $t1, $t2
Example implies$t0 = binary bitwise ($t1 AND $t2)

DescriptionPlace the logical AND of register1 and value into register0
Syntaxandi register0, register1, value
Exampleandi $t0, $t0, 42
Example implies$t0 = binary bitwise ($t0 AND 42)
Range of value0 to 65,535

DescriptionBranch (jump to) label if register0 equals register1
Syntaxbeq register0, register1, label
Examplebeq $t0, $t1, end
Example impliesJump straight to "end:" if $t0 = $t1

DescriptionBranch (jump to) label if register0 does NOT equal register1
Syntaxbne register0, register1, label
Examplebne $t0, $t1, end
Example impliesJump straight to "end:" if $t0 != $t1

DescriptionJump unconditionally to the instruction at the named label
Syntaxj label
Examplej end
Example impliesjump straight to label "end:"

DescriptionJump straight to the instruction at the named label, and save the address of the next instruction (after jal) in $ra
Syntaxjal label
Examplejal subroutine1
Example impliesJump to "subroutine1:", storing following instruction's address in $ra

DescriptionJump straight to the instruction whose address is in register0
Syntaxjr register0
Examplejr $t0
Example impliesJump to the instruction stored in $t0

DescriptionLoad byte currently in memory to register
Syntaxlb register0, offset(register1)
Examplelb $t0, 44($s0)
Example implies$t0 = memory contents of address ($s0 + 44 bytes)
Range of offset-32,768 to 32767

DescriptionLoad value into the upper halfword of register0, setting lower bits to 0
Syntaxlui register0, value
Examplelui $t0, 65535
Example impliesLoad "ffff" into the upper of $t0
Range of value0 to 65,535

Descriptionload word from memory into a register address
Syntaxlw register0, offset, register1
Examplelw $t0, 16($s0)
Example implies$t0 = memory contents of ($s0 + 16 bytes)
Range of offset-32,768 to 32,767

DescriptionDo nothing (useful for aligning programs in memory with external examples)
Example impliesNo operation performed

DescriptionPlace the logical NOT OR of register1 and register2 into register0
Syntaxnor register0, register1, register2
Examplenor $t0, $zero, $t1
Example implies$t0 = NOT ($zero OR $t1)

DescriptionPlace the logical OR of register1 and register2 into register0
Syntaxor register0, register1, register2
Exampleor $t0, $t1, $t2
Example implies$t0 = binary bitwise ($t1 OR $t2)

DescriptionPlace the logical OR of register1 and value into register0
Syntaxori register0, register1, value
Exampleori $t0, $s0, 64000
Example implies$t0 = binary bitwise ($s0 OR 64000)
Range of value0 to 65,535

DescriptionSave byte currently in register to memory
Syntaxsb register0, offset(register1)
Examplesb $t0, 44($s0)
Example impliesMemory contents of address ($s0 + 44 bytes) = $t0
Range of offset-32,768 to 32767

DescriptionShift the bits in register1 to the left by value places, and put result into register0
Syntaxsll register0, register1, value
Examplesll $t0, $t1, 4
Example implies$t0 = bits in $t1 shifted 4 places to left
Range of value0 to 31

DescriptionSet register0 to 1 if register1 is less than register2
Syntaxslt register0, register1, register2
Exampleslt $t0, $t1, $t2
Example implies$t0 will hold 1 if $t1 is less than $t2; otherwise $t0 is set to 0

DescriptionShift the bits in register1 to the right by value places, and put result into register0
Syntaxsrl register0, register1, value
Examplesrl $t0, $t1, 4
Example implies$t0 = bits in $t1 shifted 4 places to right
Range of value0 to 31

DescriptionPlace the result of register1 minus register2 into register0
Syntaxsub register0, register1, register2
Examplesub $t0, $t1, $t2
Example implies$t0 = $t1 - $t2

Descriptionsave word into memory from a register address
Syntaxsw register0, offset, register1
Examplesw $t0, 16($s0)
Example impliesmemory contents of ($s0 + 16 bytes) = $t0
Range of offset-32,768 to 32,767

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Last updated on 27 November, 2003 by Paul Morris